Mad World

Hello, loyal readers. Or lack of them. No one reads this blog. Almost. So what does it matter?
But. An odd duck of luck I've been having lately. Been working a lot. And spending most of the rest of my time off in a semi-drunken haze. Just been grabbing some grub and beer and coming home and chowing down and getting high on Corona Light.
Gotta love that there cheap Mexican brew.
I met a real sweet and pretty girl via Craigs List the other week. We talked late into the night via e-mail. She came over to my humble bachelor abode days later, we talked, it was awkward at first. Then we eventually shagged pretty passionately and she told me how great it was and we said our goodbyes and she left.
She came back the next week and we had passionate sex that night. Some of the best I ever had. She was such a willing freak. So sexy, so innocent, so sweet, so up for almost anything, well, within reason. And she loved doing it all.
I've found with sex that if the woman is really into, I'm into it. And it turns out to be some of the best sex ever for both of us. And this was one of those nights. Incredible passion. She was wonderful, a sexual Alice In Wonderland. And she was Alice and took me by the hand (or maybe some other body part) and gingerly guided your humble host into that sexual Wonderland. I think she's maybe renewed my faith in women.
Good sex is a two way street, you have to give good sex to get good sex. And sweet Darwin, did this lovely Asian princess give and did I so wanna give it back to the power of ten. I saw her again the other night and we watched a British horror movie called Creep. She came over and wanted to watch a horror movie. So I rifled through my stack of DVDs and gave her a bunch to choose from. We had to stop the movie to shag like minks at one point. I couldn't wait till the flick was over and neither could she. She made quite the racket vocally if you know what I mean. Plus my damn lame full size Ikea bed was creaking up a storm from all the humpity-pumpity. Surprised we didn't break the damn thing. Which would not have exactly been a tragedy. Damn Ikea ramshackle furnishings. They may have a cool factor but their shelf life is highly suspect.
And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad...
It's a very, very... mad world.
As the song goes.
I find it kinda funny I found someone so sweet, so passionate, so willing to throwdown and sex it up at damn near the drop of a proverbial hat.
It happened without me even trying really. I think I could keep this relationship going with this gal for a good long time. One can never be sure of these things. Last time I saw her she just came back from having a meal at The Elephant Bar. A cool theme restaurant near my pad.
She seems to dig me a lot. Lord knows why. She likes video games and said how much she'd like to try out my Playstation 3 next time she came over.
Hey, I'm expecting nothing. We've had some great sex. Shared some beautiful, albeit brief, tender moments. And she seems to be almost always in a good mood, always pleasant, happy, smiling. But in a genuine way. And she doesn't seem to mind a cat like me who isn't like that. She's a very positive person with plenty of intelligence behind it. She's younger than me, 10 years or so, went to college and got a business degree but now she's working hard in the medical field. Why do I find that attractive in a woman? Her being so filled with happiness I mean? I guess since I secretly like those qualities. I'm unhappy most of the time. So I gather those few times I can get a woman interested in me I want her to as unlike me as possible. But with some of the same interests. But all you can do is play it by ear and take life day by day. Especially a cat like me. The first time we had sex? She asked how big I was, how thick I was. And when we got down to getting it on she was a tad put off by me not being shaved down below like a lot of people are these days. So the next day? I got out the Vidal Sassoon electric clippers and shaved the area down to the nub. And did a touch up with a safety razor. When he hooked up for the second time she marveled at the difference. Anything to please the ladies. And anyways, I detest body hair by and large. But how goes it with this chick you ask?
So far? So damn good. And like the song says? Mad World.
That's what I call it. It's a very, very mad world. Since you never know how things may change or turn out from day to day in your little life of quiet desperation...
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