Indian Summer Halloween

Well, fall, autumn, Indian Summer is upon us. Halloween comes next. Do you even celebrate Halloween? I know a friend who still likes dressing up each Halloween at work. I don't even bother. But I always liked a Halloween a lot as a kid. Graveyards, ghosts, Jack O' Lanterns. Maybe I'll head to the local pub and have a pumpkin ale this year. Being a writer I like words. Indian Summer were two words I always liked the look of.
It's an election year and it seems it's all winding down and coming to a close soon. I want this election to be over.
Gotta say though. I like fall. I don't like it getting dark at five o'clock every night. That's a bummer. But I love the look of apple red and pumpkin orange leaves all around. I like the change of seasons around this time of year. But this being California the change is subtle and I like it that way.
I've always liked the latter months of the year. October, November, December. They've always been my favorites. It doesn't really seem the year has truly started until those months roll around. When they do it feels as if the world finally has a handle on the current year and we know what direction it's heading in, right or wrong.
The latter months of the year can't get here soon enough for me.
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