Thursday, September 09, 2004

Crows Redux

Well, well. Here we are. Went to Crows as I mentioned the other day. Not a bad little joint. All black interior, a barmaid with big juicy tanned knockers. Not the best beer selection. Me and My Female Friend let's call her knocked back a coupla Newcastles. MFF is a German expatriate (but sounds like an American) and she has hipped me to darker beers. Don't bother with the pale ales anymore. I like a nice red brewski. An amber lager.

Anyways, Crows has an all black interior hence the name Crows? No food to eat. Was hoping their would be a little kitchen in back to whip up customers quick burgers and sandwiches. No such luck. It was an eclectic crowd, some older, balding boozers and few young professionals just off work and beach bunny and beach bum types. All in all an okay place.

MFF had a burger jones going on and wanted to goto Father's Office in Santa Monica for an Office Burger and some sweet potato fries. But the drive was a bit much so we decided not to and went to the local Islands instead. Islands is a California-Hawaiian style burgers and drinks joint. I dig the place and I'd taken MFF there before, but she never had a burger. I ordered two Big Waves and she said she liked it. But not as much as the burgers at Hamburger Mary's nearby or Father's.

I had to order for both of us since she didn't find any of the burgers interesting. But I said screw it and ordered her one anyway and got her a glas of Merlot. She loves that stuff. We were at the Islands down by The Pike, a new shopping center down by the docks. After we ate she gave me the usual pressure about wanting S-E-X. I didn't give her any. MMF is a very pretty MILF (Moms I'd Like To Fuck) but I've just lost interest in her in that way.

She's got a ton of suitors both male and female hot for her, guys are always hittin' on her. So I don't know why she bothers with someone like me. She says we have a deep emotional connection. Which I guess is true. We almost have a psychic connection and know what the other is thinking in many situations. But I've become bored and should have ended the relationship a lot sooner than I did.

I bought her this two tone gold braclet a few years back. I was already bored with the relationship by then but I did it cos I just wanted to have the experience of giving a woman nice jewelry. It was on sale and only cost a couple C notes. It was five hundred normally. Two tone gold is her favorite so I guess I lucked out picking that. Anyway, she almost lost the braclet yesterday on the way to Crows. We searched all around for it until she finally found the dang thing back at her apartment. She changed bras real quick on the way out the door and it fell off. She found it by her first bra she changed out of. Hoo-rah for the bra, baby.

I took her home and went home alone, me bored, a bit tipsy and her sexually frustrated and a real horny bitch as always. Ah, yes. Friends!


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