Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Dying Of Loneliness

Can't take it anymore. I'm dying of loneliness. I can't connect with anybody. My life is so boring, so empty. I want desperately for a woman to wrap her arms around me...

I'm so pathetic. A no talent failure. Wait, I'm not that bad. But -- I hate the human race. Wish I could be happy and content on my own without the need for others. People are so mean spirited and nasty. But then so am I at times.

Can't take it. Can't take the loneliness much longer. Or maybe I can. I've taken it all my life. Wish I was a rock star so I could have women fall at my feet and take some sweet, soft, warm comfort in their arms. Maybe the poets are right, maybe love is the answer.

If only I could get my hands on some.


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