Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Shall We Dance

Wonderful movie. Seen it four times. The scene where they use Peter Gabriel's song The Book Of Love is heart breakingly beautiful.

The films tells the story of an older businessman unhappy with his life and how ballroom dancing helps him find happiness again. John Clark, the businessman, is beautifully played by Richard Gere. I also loved the ballroom dancing movie Strictly Ballroom too! Man, do I have a jones for ballroom dancing movies now?

It's based on a Japanese film from the 1990's. I want to see the original. But I love this remake to pieces. Is it flawed in bits and pieces? Sure, but overall it flows and works beautifully. Jennifer Lopez redeems her many bad acting choices in previous films with this gem.

Shall we dance, Mr. Clark? Bravo!


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