Groundhogs, Film Festivals, Etcetera

Killer news. We won the Golden Groundhog for best underground movie!
Plus the film recently screened at the Park City Film Music Festival and got a Silver Medal for Excellence award. Okay, a lot of films there did.
We also were screened at the Muskegon Film Festival in Michigan under an alternative title. Supposedly to a standing room only crowd. At least that's what the festival director said when he e-mailed us.
And the film film be screening at the George Lindsey UNA Film Festival in Alabama this March. Dr. Lindsey played Goober on the Andy Griffith Show television series if you can believe that.
Also we will be making our United Kingdom slash international premiere this March at the Bradford Film Festival! In Bradford, England, 'natch!
We're also getting much closer to locking picture. And a Santa Clara Valley reporter who saw the film at Cinequest last year will be penning an article slash interview with yours truly soon.
All in all? A good month's work.
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