Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The Last Man On Earth

I sometimes wish I was the last man on Earth.

I do.

I wake up at times and wish the world was like something out of 28 Days Later.

Without the zombies.

No more people. All of 'em just gone. And a big wide world to roam around in alone.

Like something out of the film The Omega Man.

Or The Quiet Earth.

I wish for that a lot.

But in truth I wouldn't want ALL people to be gone. I'd be happy with exactly one million people left on the Earth. Scattered at random on every continent.

Then things like. Work, goals, miscellaneous b.s. that is apart of life. Wouldn't matter.

Of course you'd have to take care of your teeth since finding a dentist would be tricky. And if you got injured you'd be hard pressed to find a doctor.

You wouldn't have to worry about body issues so much. Weight. You could let your hair grow long. Even walk around without clothes anywhere. You wouldn't have to worry about being competitive.

You wouldn't have to worry about having a life, having a relationship, worry about getting sex on a regular basis. Or the things you will never have. It wouldn't matter.

Wouldn't matter...


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