Saturday, July 18, 2009

Solstice Canyon

So I'm out hiking again in Malibu, Solstice Canyon. And on the way down the mountain. I look behind and see my ex behind me, the new Filipino chick I broke up with. And she says as she descends the trail with a smile, "You can't be on my mountain."

We embraced and I held her for a long moment. It was uncomfortable but I was glad to see her. Then we went down the mountain to the small waterfall at the end of the trail. She gave me some of her water and we walked to the parking area.

I asked if she wanted to have lunch at The Counter (a cool burger joint) and we drove over there in our cars. Had lunch. Afterwards I asked if she wanted to go watch a movie or DVD and she said it probably wouldn't be a good idea. So we said goodbye outside and that was that. I paid for lunch. She offered to give me $20 dollars for her half of the check but I told her I'd take care of it.

I feel a bit better about it all now. I was going to tell her I was planning on sending her flowers to say sorry. But did not. At lunch I asked how her 4th of July was and she said great. She watched a lot of fireworks and then watched Full Metal Jacket in her friend's home theater movie room. I ran into the first Filipino chick when walking by the beach (and did not see her) and now I run into the second on the first hiking trail we did together.

Is this sort of life coming full circle?

We then went to check out some local tide pools at beach slash Marine reserve a couple days later. Where you hike along a rock covered beach and then around the edge of cliff right along the shore. And the tide pools are there. Saw some crabs, hermit crabs, beautiful scenery.

We went had a meal later at a local Mexican restaurant. And then went home to watch Eyes Wide Shut. Afterwards she asked if I wanted to sleep with her. I said it might not be a good idea. But she said it would just be for fun. So we did.

I've been seeing her the last week or so. Hanging out, going for meals, seeing movies.

Strange how things work out. So I guess we are friends with (more) than benefits again.

Adios, half soldier.


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