Say Goodbye To Hollywood
Hello again.
Another weekend, another day of fun.
Saw three movies at the wondrous Arclight Theater off Sunset Boulevard.
The Grudge with Sarah Michelle Gellar. Birth with Nicole Kidman. Ray with Jamie Foxx.
I enjoyed them all. Jamie Foxx is sure to nail an Oscar nomination for Ray. The ending of the film was somewhat of a letdown, shoulda been more spectacular. But overall the film was and is a success.
I saw the trilogy at the Cinedome at Arclight. Impressive theater. Not nearly as cool as the El Capitan or Grauman's Chinese, but cool nonetheless.
Birth is not a film to everyone's taste. It's slow moving, beautifully and lusciously shot. Nice to see Lauren Bacall in an edgier piece like this. Most older stars end up in third rate TV movies. Lauren has the guts to take this material on.
You have to be intelligent to appreciate this film. If Adam Sandler's films are your cup of tea (save for the great Punch-Drunk Love) you won't dig Birth.
Sent out my film to two more film festivals. That makes five so far. Gotta make it an even seven, baby! Ciao till next time.