Saturday, August 27, 2005


Well, here I am again.

A tiny bit drunk, a bit hungry, and sitting in the Hobbit Hole.

My nickname for my studio apartment in So Cal.

I don't know what I want. Oh yes I do. I wanna lock picture on my first film, I wanna finish my zombie screenplay (I'm on page 90 something!) and I want to be in shape, make a few pornos, and get a great girlfriend, and be happy.

And a 2005 Mustang and a nice place to live. And career as a film director.

Well -- I'm gettin' there.

Just wish I was in my mid 20's and not my mid 30's. Dang, I started too late.

Well, I'm a late bloomer. Always have been, always may be.

A short film that played before my two screenings at Cinequest was called Late Bloomer.

Shit, was that a sign from God?

I wonder.

The Lord works in mysterious ways. I was raised a Catholic. And then became an atheist. And now I think religion is crap and I would like to think there is a God and an afterlife. I just wonder if God has a plan for me. Or if I'm just kidding myself. Does everything happen for a reason? Man, who knows!

Anyways, the film will be playing at two fests this September. At the Kansas International Film Festival and at Mini-Cinema in West Virginia!

Pretty cool. I should not have acted in the film. My performance was passable at best.

But I will know better next time.


Friday, August 12, 2005

Ciao And Home Again


Here I am again, alive and in living color.

Well, finally finished a couple inserts for the film. So I just have to work on the editing and lock picture on the flick.

I'm looking forward to the flick playing at the Kansas International Film Festival in September. Can't believe the old flawed edit got into another fest. I'm wondering how others will react to the new and MUCH improved version.

Sadly, my acting abilities are minimal. That is, I can't act. Oh, I'm passable at times. But I need a lot of coaching to be good. I just project the emotions for film.

I should have given my role to another actor. The film would have been SO much better with a leading man who could act. Quite a mistake to make for a film. An expensive one too. But one I won't make again.

I've been seeing my ex on and off again. Out of boredom really. I like her but I'm not turned onto her sexually really. But I'm too lazy to meet someone new. And most women reject you when you approach them. So it's a drag sifting through the nos to get to a yes.

Anyways, now I'm feelin' zombiefied. And am still working on my next screenplay. The horror comedy zombie flick. I love balls to the wall zombie ackshun!
