Saturday, February 26, 2005

Back In The High Life

Yes, yes. I really dug that old Winwood album from the 80's Back In The High Life.

It's a joyous album. Whatever happened to Steve Winwood? He was hardly my fave musician -- and his early stuff with Traffic was much more hardcore, deeper, experimental rock. But I enjoyed his 80's stuff too.

The guy hasn't had a hit in years. I remember liking the look of his Higher Love video.

The festival is coming up soon. I've got an interview about it coming out in a local newspaper that is close to where the festival will take place. Should be cool. I've been e-mailing local media and letting them know about the flick.

My hope is to have two sold out audiences on the nights of both screenings. But I will settle for half full. Still gotta do those damn reshoots and fuckin' A lock picture!

Then onto my next screenplay. I'm already working on it now. An M. Night inspired supernatural thriller piece. Spooky.


Sunday, February 20, 2005

Random Musings

Bill Hicks. A great stand-up comedian who died too young. He will be missed.

I finally sent the Digibeta copy of the film to Cinequest. Got it Fed Ex'd at the last minute last Friday. Man, what a rush. I put things off to the last minute, but I always seem to get them done.

I've started sort of seeing my ex again. Just felt like I should be friends with her. Or maybe I was just bored and lonely and too lazy to meet someone new like I should be doing.

Keir Dullea is one of the coolest actors ever. And not just in 2001. I stumbled on a gorgeously photographed old black and white movie with him from the early 1960's. I can see the appeal of black and white photography and filmmaking in images like that. I generally prefer color -- but this looked vibrant.

Feeling -- okay today. Had to get up a bit too early. But...

Well, I may goto a movie with the lovely ex again tonight. Took her to the see The Aviator at The Bridge theaters in Los Angeles. At Howard Hughes center. The whole complex and area is dedicated to Hughes. What better place to see The Aviator? Not to mention The Bridge has arguably the best screens and sound for seeing films in town.

That's saying a lot for the heart of Hollywood. And now for a nonsensical but somewhat beautiful end to this post...

Good night, sweet prince of thieves and broken hearts and dreams...

Friday, February 04, 2005

The Sunny Side Of Life

Or something to that effect.

I've had enough of negativity. I need to focus on the positive side of life.

The Sunny Side Of Life. On the TCM movie channel they have a little intro to a film program on the station.

In it use see some cool animation of early morning in a big Eastern city like Manhattan. While a cool jazz number is played in the background. A song called The Sunny Side Of Life. It always makes me feel good when I see it.

Too much negativity and depression in my life. Positive, positive, positive. That's what I need.

I need to reprogram my thoughts and not get weighed done by anger and negativity.

Easier said then done. But upward and onward I go...

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I'm A Miserable Human Being

I hate life. I hate everything.

I can't enjoy anything these days. I've gotten a string of rejection notices from film festivals.

Even though I got into one of the biggest in the world, Cinequest, I'm still angry about not getting into the others. I'm wondering if getting into Cinequest is just a fluke.

Nuts. If they did not like the film it wouldn't have gotten in. I got accepted to the World Comedy Film Festival too. But I turned them down so I could premiere at Cinequest.

I just want to get into some others, do my reshoots, and get a decent distribution for the film. I deserve it. I honestly do. I think you should be be ashamed to say life owes you something sometimes when you work hard at something. Or perhaps I should say work smart. I believe in smart work, not hard.

I've no friends, no life, no woman. I'm sad and bitter and angry. I can't enjoy life. I should be able to enjoy it. I've got a lot of things in my life many people don't.

I sometimes pray for the end of the world. And me being one of the few survivors to roam around the empty streets all day. That way none of this would matter anymore.

Like the great movies The Omega Man and The Quiet Earth.

Bill Hicks said it best. Life? It's just a ride. Don't take it too seriously be you a millionaire or flat broke. We all end up six feet under. The universe can and will go on without all of us.

Speaking of which. When did time start? And what was there before time started?

Let's say there is a God of some sort. What was there before God? What was here before the universe? And before that?

This thought always makes me feel cold. It chills me. How did time start? It's such a huge question to wrap your mind around.

Maybe Warren Zevon said it best, "Enjoy every sandwich."

Maybe he was saying when all else fails just forget it and enjoy the mundane things in life.