I Hate My Life, I Hate Going Out
I hate leaving the house.
I hate my job.
Sometimes lately I just want to sleep all day.
I've played Half-Life 2 and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. They were fun. And drudgery.
I've seen the film The Aviator three times so far. It's like I don't want to bother seeing another movie. I'm just so bored with the thought of it.
I'm bored with the thought of everything. This extra body weight is weighing me down. Literally and in other senses. I hate humanity.
I have one day off a week and I do nothing. Go to a movie, that's probably it. I'm in a rut.
I should be happy about Cinequest. But mostly I'm upset at the parts of the film that don't work. And at the half dozen rejections I've gotten from other film festivals. If Cinequest likes it, why don't they? Assholes.
I'm getting done with my rewrites and my reshoots should be ready to get underway next month. It'll be good to eliminate those lame moments from the film. Good to have it finally done.
Life sucks. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Luckily I've got two bottles of Turning Leaf to drink. Maybe that'll help. But I doubt it.
Drink it away, as a wise man once said, drink it away. Of course he usually reached for the whiskey bottle when he said that. I'm reaching for the wine.
The white. Not red. Hmmm. Maybe the red is more masculine. Red wine brings images of Bukowski heroes downing jugs of the red red vino in squalid dive apartments in mid 20th Century Los Angeles.
Can't see them cats drinking white. But I don't dig the reds.
Live and learn, mama jama, live and learn.