What Alignment Are The Sopranos? A Dungeons And Dragons Question
I'm talking Dungeons And Dragons alignment. Only those who played the game will be able to answer this.
Now Tony Soprano? My guess is? Chaotic evil. With good tendencies.
Good being in the way he does care about his family and friends. He's not above offing them to save his own skin though. The guy is certainly chaotic, violent, and capable of a great deal of evil.
His wife Carmela? That's tricky. She seems more lawful neutral. Like she'll just go along with whatever is going to keep her family together, her marriage together. Even though she knows Tony is evil, even though she lives a lot of her life in denial. It reflects in her politics too. The way she just unthinkingly votes Republican no matter what. Supports the current American right of center government without question.
Now Meadow? I'd say she's lawful good. With...unlawful tendencies since if she was truly lawful she'd have turned in her dad to the authorities long ago.
Paulie? Chaotic evil.
Silvio. Chaotic evil. But more level headed and way less chaotic than Tony, Paulie.
Christopher? Chaotic evil. Really, really, chaotic and evil. The most chaotic of the bunch.
Janice? Neutral evil with good tendencies. Since Janice is really just about getting ahead in life and she'll hitch her wagons to anyone that will get her more money, a bigger house, a nicer car, whatever. And she really doesn't care how she gets it. But she isn't as evil or chaotic as Tony and his wiseguys.
Junior Soprano? I'd say he became chaotic neutral towards the later half of the series as he just lost it. And became more of a lame endlessly bedridden character. I don't see him being as chaotic as Tony though.
A.J.? Or as I called him A.Hole since he was such a bland annoying character at times. He's probably close to true neutral. He just goes along with whatever he comes across. His friends want to burn off a guy's toes with acid? He goes along. His friends want to beat a guy senseless? He goes along. He has some good and lawful tendencies though. And has a conscious. And I don't think he is capable of ever being a hardcore gangster like Tony. But A.J. is mostly lawful because most people in society are and he just follows the crowd. If society were mostly unlawful he'd follow their lead as well.