I Don't Know What's Wrong With Me

I don't know what's wrong with me.
I went today to H.D. Buttercup off of Venice in Los Angeles. It's this massive furniture store, the size of a football field. I wanted to see where the new Father's Office is being built. It's in the same complex as H.D. Buttercup. In the old Helms Bakery Building. It still has the Helms Bakery sign on the roof and everything.
The furniture is cool. But not all of it is truly amazing. They had a few pieces that looked pretty funky and eclectic. Like old office equipment and cabinets that they refurbished but kept all the cool wear and tear on them and slapped the pricey fancy H.D. Buttercup logo tag on it.
But I was thinking how it mighta been a sweet place to stroll through with my ex. She liked doing stuff like that. I call it interesting boredom. You can be mildly bored and still interested in something. Like saying during a great sunset. Plus the whole Helms Bakery Building shopping area is cool. It's classic Art Deco design. They even had someone pushing out a hot dog cart as I was wandering around. Let's Be Frank was the name on the cart. Dogs Gone Good. Yep yep.
I wanted one but I'm just finishing up 40 days on the master cleanse. I'm all done drinking the lemonade for 40 days on the diet. Now it is just organic orange juice from Whole Foods and fresh fruit for three days. On day four? Back to eating normally since the body has reset itself to consume food again. I missed my comfort food a lot. Eating is sometimes all I have to do with myself at the end of the day. My life is so empty, no women, no friends, just movies, food, wine, beer, restaurants, video games, DVDs, or basic tasks we do to maintain living. I'm such a foodie. Hardcore. But I'm starting an exercise program next week. If I can 40 days of the lemonade diet I can handle that as well. After the 40 days you feel a bit like Superman, like you can do anything after surviving on no solid food for so long. Even though a lot of the depression is still there in my life.
I did finally bang a hot looking cougar (MILF) a week or so ago. In my Mustang. Never done that before. It had been about six months. I went out with her a couple years ago and e-mailed her out of the blue. We met at the Pennisula Hotel Club Bar in Beverly Hills for a drink. I was cleansing so I had bottled water. She lives in the Hills at her sister's mansion. She seems like a bit of a flake so I don't think I'll get to see her again. And she was telling me already that I need to dress differently. Not as casual as I do with Doc Martens, Levi jeans and Levi denim shirts in blue, black, and army green like I'm prone to. I'm wearing a large size now and most of my stuff is extra large. The perils of weight loss.
I need to make orange juice cleanses a couple times a week a regular part of my life. To help combat weight. Drinking the O.J. the last few days has been pretty cool after the bland ass homemade lemonade of spring water, lemon juice, grade B maple syrup and cayenne pepper. No more of that jazz. The organic O.J. is much easier to take. But man, I can eat. I know I can. I swear.
I'm a lot thinner now. I did it for weight loss firsto and cleansing secondo. I've gone down about three belt notches. But mostly I came to Buttercup to see if Father's Office II was open. Nay, still under construction.

Still the weird thoughts about my ex. There was no sexual passion between us anymore. None. She had plenty for me. I lost all I had for her. Simple boredom. But I miss the companionship on rare occassions. As boring as it sometime was. I miss her enthusiasm and pleasantness. But we cannot hang out anymore. The thought of sex with her sickens me for the most part. We can't be friends because of that tension.
I hear they have wine tasting at H.D. Buttercup as well. Sounds cool. Never been to a wine tasting. It's a very chi-chi thing to do.
And be sure to visit the hot dog vendor where you're there. Yep yep.
