The Story Of My Life
It's Christmas day as I write these words.
Or Christmas night to be more precise.
Damn, if the days don't fly by faster these days. As boring as my life is and as torture filled it seems. It seems it was just yesterday that Christmas was upon us.
Oh, it seems like a good amount of time. But I can only recall just yesterday it seems that the year was ending.
Some good things happened this year. I got laid a good amount of times. For me anyway. I saw some good films. I finished my film once and for all (I hope and pray). And I made it through another damned year.
I'm still wanting and lusting for the love of my life that I feel I will never meet. Though I have a friend with benefits who hopefully will be seeing me for a good time to come onto the road to nowhere.
I was coloring my hair tonight. And some of the coloring foam spewed out from my head as I was lathering up and stained my shower rug and bathroom door. I screamed repeatedly, outraged, filled with anger, hatred, loud, harsh profanity. So loud and to the point of scratching my voice I felt the neighbors whom I despise would call the police.
But they did not. So I showered off all the hair coloring and scrubbed the offending areas of the bath place with a sponge till thankfully the areas returned to their normal coloring.
Coloring your own hair is a crap shoot. You never know how good a job you'll do. Many times it is better to have a professional do it. But doing it yourself is simpler.
I'm such a bitter angry person I look for small things to set me off into fits of rage and screaming profanity. I have no drama so I need to create drama.
The story of my life.
Have a good year.