Well, here I am again.
A tiny bit drunk, a bit hungry, and sitting in the Hobbit Hole.
My nickname for my studio apartment in So Cal.
I don't know what I want. Oh yes I do. I wanna lock picture on my first film, I wanna finish my zombie screenplay (I'm on page 90 something!) and I want to be in shape, make a few pornos, and get a great girlfriend, and be happy.
And a 2005 Mustang and a nice place to live. And career as a film director.
Well -- I'm gettin' there.
Just wish I was in my mid 20's and not my mid 30's. Dang, I started too late.
Well, I'm a late bloomer. Always have been, always may be.
A short film that played before my two screenings at Cinequest was called Late Bloomer.
Shit, was that a sign from God?
I wonder.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. I was raised a Catholic. And then became an atheist. And now I think religion is crap and I would like to think there is a God and an afterlife. I just wonder if God has a plan for me. Or if I'm just kidding myself. Does everything happen for a reason? Man, who knows!
Anyways, the film will be playing at two fests this September. At the Kansas International Film Festival and at Mini-Cinema in West Virginia!
Pretty cool. I should not have acted in the film. My performance was passable at best.
But I will know better next time.